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  • Writer's pictureKelsy Colwell

Lesson 5: Winner-Loser Risks

Updated: Mar 21, 2021


Watch the video to get started.

Then move on to the content and activities below.

Winner Persona:

Conflict can feel like a competition for me. This can sometimes be because I’m tired of losing, and I want others to see the value in my view-point. Other times, I know that what I have to share is critical and I need to do my part to help others see it. I’m often unaware that I come across as overpowering (or I do it on purpose to win, even if subconsciously).

Loser Persona:

I often accommodate others when conflict arises. This can sometimes be because in the past I never felt listened to during these conversations anyway. Other times, I get tired of asserting myself with overpowering people. I do feel that what I have to say is valuable, but I’m not going to waste my time anymore on those who are unwilling to listen.


(Take a few minutes to capture these in your workbook/notebook.)

1. Which persona do you most identify with? Why?

2. What are three risks of the "Winner-Loser" perspective?

3. Why is it easy for people to adopt the "Winner-Loser" perspective?

4. What are two things you can do to break thee cycle of this perspective in your own behavior?


5. With a trusted peer, share what stood out to you in this lesson.

Great Job!

You've completed lesson 5.

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